About Us

Hey y'all, My name is Carrie Tippets. My Daughter, Melinda and I have always loved to create memories for our family and friends. We love to sew, quilt, embroider, and read. So we decided to combine all those creative ideas into one…. Storybook Quilts. We continue to create new ideas to help you make memories with your loved ones that are as unique as they are. 

Carrie has been doing local craft fairs for over 25 years and her girls have been by her side helping and creating with her.

Carrie spent her childhood going to the Fort Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous in Fort Bridger, Wyoming where her parents had a Mountain man booth. Her dad loved that era of time and loved creating buckskin clothes, beaded leather bags, pouches and more.  As kids we made leather bags and pioneer games to sell along with our dad. She has fond memories of those days and wanted to share that with her family. In 2017 Carrie and her family started the tradition again with a booth and have been doing it every Labor Day weekend since then. We love creating handmade 18 century games, toys and clothes to sell in our booth. Its a great tradition we enjoy as a family.

Melinda has always been creative and been doing hand embroidery and sewing since the age of 12. She has always loved to create her own patterns. Her mom worked with her to create her patterns as well as helped her learn her way around a sewing machine. She took sewing in high school where she learned more concepts of sewing. Melinda loves to cook and bake and has a very creative mind.

Carrie has been sewing since she was a young girl. Her mother taught her to sew doll clothes and helped her sew her first quilt at age 12. She learned hand quilting sitting around a quilt in the front room with family and friends at a quilting bee. She loved the hand work and started embroidering dish towels for her hope chest. Carrie also loves the outdoors, gardening, canning, genealogy and reading. She enjoys sharing her love of creating with her family. Carrie and her husband,Rick, have 5 children Carson and his wife Marie, Cheyenne, Melinda, Adelaide and Orrin. They were raised on a farm with lots of fun adventures as they learned life lessons.